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Teri Newman's Issue Positions (Political Courage Test)


Official Position: Candidate addressed this issue directly by taking the Political Courage Test.

Inferred Position: Candidate refused to address this issue, but Vote Smart inferred this issue based on the candidate's public record, including statements, voting record, and special interest group endorsements.

Unknown Position: Candidate refused to address this issue, or we could not infer an answer for this candidate despite exhaustive research of their public record.

Additional Information: Click on this icon to reveal more information about this candidate's position, from their answers or Vote Smart's research.

Other or Expanded Principles & Legislative Priorities are entered exactly as candidates submit them. Vote Smart does not edit for misspelled words, punctuation or grammar.

Teri Newman refused to tell citizens where she stands on any of the issues addressed in the 2012 Political Courage Test, despite repeated requests from Vote Smart, national media, and prominent political leaders.

What is the Political Courage Test?

Issue Positions

For Presidential and Congressional candidates who refuse to provide voters with their positions, Vote Smart has researched their public records to determine their likely responses. These issue positions are from 2010.

  • Teri Newman. Newman Responds to Kormos' "Pro-Chioce" Attacks. 23 January 2010. "Congressional Candidate Teri Davis Newman condemns Durbin and Burris as 'Baby Killers.' 'In response to my opponent's diatribe about my not being pro-life, I can only state that it's a bald-faced lie. I offer an article that was written and released in early December:' A furious Teri Davis Newman called Senator Dick Durbin and Senator Roland Burris 'Baby Killers' over their votes to allow the government-funded health care to pay for abortion as part of the controversial Senate health care bill. 'I'm ashamed that both of the Senators representing the State of Illinois in our Nation's Capitol are nothing but a pair of baby killers.' snapped Mrs. Newman." (
  • Teri Newman. Issue Position: I Support the Fair Tax. "I support and encourage the implementation of the Fair Tax. It is an absolutely fair and equitable tax program that every state would be able to enact it immediately. It would ensure that everyone pays their fair share and it would be fair to all because of the pre-bate that levels the taxation rate to those people that fall below a predetermined income levels. I have a dream of an America where everyone has a job and pay small taxes rather than the current system where 47% of the population is outside the federal tax code and 53% pay taxes. This is an unfair system that breeds resentment of the tax system along with attempts to avoid paying into a system that is perceived to be unfair. Also, when 51% of the population votes themselves a key to the public treasury, it will be the end of America as we have known her. For more information, please visit and see how to keep your entire paycheck and abolish the despised Internal Revenue Service." (
  • Teri Newman. 20 Ways Health Care Takes Your Freedom. "You will have to pay an additional 0.5% payroll tax on any dollar you make over $250,000 if you file a joint return and $200,000 if you file an individual return. What? You think you know how to spend the money you earned better than the government? Tough. (Section 9015). That amount will rise to a 3.8% tax if reconciliation passes. It will also apply to investment income, estates, and trusts. You think you know how to spend the money you earned better than the government? Like you need to ask. (Section 1402)." (
  • Teri Newman. 2010. Chicago Tribune: Editorial boards endorsements questionnaire. Responded "My priorities for spending cuts would be in the duplication of services and bring an end to massive government growth. I support tax cuts because lower taxes foster economic growth. If tax incentives are used to lure businesses to a community to encourage economic growth then it should be obvious that increased taxes have the opposite effect. We need LESS government, not more! The government's right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing and this is responsible for billions in waste and mismanagement. There's no excuse for this with the technology that is available today. We need to govern smart not large, cut taxes and let the economy recover without government intervention.TARP was an enormous fiasco, a total waste of taxpayer money and to add insult to injury IT DIDN'T WORK!! We are killing the long term economic growth of the country with massive overspending and it's time for a lot of fiscal responsibility." to the question "The U.S. is running a $1.4 trillion deficit this year and has a national debt of nearly $12 trillion. What is your prescription to return to a balanced budget? Do you support or oppose extending federal tax cuts that are due to expire in 2010? What priorities would you set for spending cuts? Please be specific." (
  • Teri Newman. Issue Position: Fiscal Responsibility and Government Spending. "Stop spending money America doesn't have!!! Trying to spend your way to prosperity is like trying to drink your way out of alcoholism. It will not work. Cut spending! Pay off the deficit!!" (
  • Teri Newman. Issue Position: TARP Bailout Bill. "90% of the people in this country told Congress no on the TARP Bailout Bill, but Congressman Costello voted for it anyway. This bill should be repealed and I want no further funding supplied to it. I want the remaining unfunded 95% returned to the taxpayers and no more bailouts!!" (
  • Teri Newman. Issue Position: Tarp and Future Bailouts. "It's not our job to be taxed because businesses made bad decisions. No more bailouts. Period." (
  • Teri Newman. Issue Position: Government Growth. "The government needs to mind their own business. They have enough to take care of with their real obligations and they need to start with that! We don't need more government interfering with us every minute of every day! Lower taxes and shrink government! Fewer taxes are the way to economic growth! When a government wants to bring jobs and industry to a region, they provide tax incentives which create jobs. So how can raising taxes be good for the economy? Charity belongs in our local communities, where we know our needs best and can use our local talent and our local resources. Spend the tax money wisely -- government waste is out of control!" (
  • Despite exhaustive research, Vote Smart was unable to find information about this candidate's position.
  • Teri Newman. 2010. Chicago Tribune. Editorial board endorsements questionaire. "The focus of the U.S. war on terror should be to catch the terrorists, put them on trial and if they are convicted; to execute them publicly shortly thereafter. I don't know if capital punishment is a deterrent to terrorists, but I do know that when they are executed they will not kill any more innocent people." to the question "What are your views on the U.S. military campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq? Should the U.S. change the focus of its antiterrorism campaign?" (
  • Teri Newman. 2010. Chicago Tribune: Editorial board endorsements questionnaire. Responded "The problem with education isn't that we spend too little on it, but that we spend the money in all the wrong places. The dumbing down of our children will be the thing that brings our great country to her knees, but there is still time to stop it. I am a fervent believer in and supporter of education. Education is the ONLY thing that breaks the cycle of poverty. It is ignorance that traps children into a life of low wages, single parenthood and robs them of a future that is available to ALL Americans. We have the school system to thank for the dumbing down of America. In their effort to find the politically correct curriculum that offends no one, basic facts are being changed and omitted. We are definitely not getting what we are paying for, with our ever-increasing taxes, not by a LONG shot! When our children have to spend the first year of college learning to read, write and do arithmetic, then something is seriously WRONG with our educational requirements. Incompetent teachers DO NOT belong in classrooms and teacher should have to pass competency examinations just as doctors and lawyers must do. We need to be able to reward good teacher and fire bad ones." to the question "The Obama administration has committed $4.35 billion for education reform through its Race to the Top program. It's not clear yet if Illinois will qualify for this money. Please give us your views on how to improve public education in the U.S. and in this state. Do you support performance pay for teachers? Charter schools?". (
  • Teri Newman. Issue Position: Education. "We need to get the federal government OUT of education and put the states back in charge. The Department of Education is a totally invasive and unnecessary intrusion into the education of our children." (
  • Teri Newman signed the Contract from America. "Stop costly new regulations that would increase unemployment, raise consumer prices, and weaken the nation's global competitiveness with virtually no impact on global temperatures." (
  • Teri Newman. 2010. Illinois Family Institute: 2010 Voter Guide. Responded "OPPOSE" to the question "Tax Increase/ Cap and Trade-will tax energy consumption to combat "global warming (American Clean Energy and Security Act 2009)" (
  • Teri Newman. Issue Position: Cap and Trade Bill. "The debate on global warming is not over. There is more to say, discuss, and investigate as this is the biggest fraud ever perpetuated on the American people. These people used flawed data and using correct data shows that there is NO global warming crisis. Yes, we do need clean air and water but this is the biggest tax increase ever and it cannot be allowed to become law!" (
  • Teri Newman. Issue Position: Cap and Trade (Cap and Tax!!) "Global warming is a hoax dreamed up by "scientists" to keep their funding coming so they could enjoy the our money while they lied and lied and lied about something that doesn't exist. Cap and trade is an Obama pipe dream to redistribute America's wealth around the globe. I will not support it, I will not vote for it and I will actively oppose it." (
  • Teri Newman. Issue Position: Gun Control. "I, myself, have a concealed carry permit from my native state. I also strongly support allowing reciprocity in carry permits from state to state. I strongly believe law-abiding citizens should be allowed to exercise their Second Amendment rights and be issued a concealed carry permit upon completing the requirements necessary for the permit. Concealed carry laws have reduced crime in every state that has enacted the laws to allow law abiding citizens the privilege of concealed carry and I fully support it." (
  • Teri Newman signed the Contract from America. "Defund, repeal and replace the recently passed government-run health care with a system that actually makes health care and insurance more affordable by enabling a competitive, open, and transparent free-market health care and health insurance system that isn't restricted by state boundaries." (
  • Teri Newman. 2010. Illinois Family Institute: 2010 Voter Guide. Responded "OPPOSE" to the question "Government Health Care - A government managed insurance plan that includes a "Public Option" similar to Medicare. (H.R. 3200, H.R. 3962 or U.S. Senator Max Baucus' plan - 2009)" (
  • Teri Newman. 2010. Chicago Tribune: Editorial board endorsements questionnaire. Responded "I also adamantly oppose any sort of government health care. Name ONE thing that the government does well--and take all the time you need. It took them FIVE DAYS to get WATER to NEW ORLEANS; do you really want the federal government involved in your health care? Decisions about patient care are best made by doctors, not bureaucrats and government policies. Government does not belong in the health care business or any other business for that matter. It's nothing but an ill-disguised power grab to take over one-sixth of the U.S. economy." to the question "Congress is debating reform of the U.S. health care system. What specific steps should the U.S. take to improve health care access and delivery? Do you support a government-sponsored health insurance plan? How can the U.S. curb the growth in health care spending?" (
  • Teri Newman. Issue Position: Government Controlled Health Care. "I adamantly and totally oppose socialized medicine and any form of government controlled health care. Health care decisions are made between people and their doctors, not government bureaucrats." (
  • Teri Newman. Issue Position: Health Care Reform (Obama-Care). "No!! Repeal it, starve it for funds, or fight it in court. I will do whatever it takes to stop this horrendous takeover of our health care. I will fight it to my dying breath--this CANNOT be. NOT ONE STEP BACKWARDS WILL I TAKE IN THE FIGHT AGAINST OBAMA-CARE!!" (
  • Teri Newman. Issue Position: Illegal Immigrants. "I will not support amnesty for illegal aliens in any form--it's a slap in the face to those who followed the rules and obeyed the law. It's something I'll NEVER support--Illegal aliens must leave America." (
  • Teri Newman. Issue Position: Illegal Immigration. "I want to stop coddling illegal immigrants and secure our borders. Close the underground tunnels. Stop the violence and the trafficking in drugs and people. From all borders. No amnesty. Period." (
  • Teri Newman. 2010. Chicago Tribune: Editorial board endorsements questionnaire. Responded "Unfortunately for the present military, I don't think that the current administration has even a clue about what is involved in an anti-terrorism campaign. They are still denying (as of 11-24-09) that the Fort Hood massacre was a terrorist act. The inability of President Obama to make any kind of timely decision on what to do in Afghanistan underscores his total inability to be the Commander-in-Chief.The focus of the U.S. war on terror should be to catch the terrorists, put them on trial and if they are convicted; to execute them publicly shortly thereafter. I don't know if capital punishment is a deterrent to terrorists, but I do know that when they are executed they will not kill any more innocent people." to the question "What are your views on the U.S. military campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq? Should the U.S. change the focus of its antiterrorism campaign?" (
  • Teri Newman. KSDK St. Louis News Interview. 17 March 2010. Responded "As many as we need and they stay until we win. The terrorists are intent upon killing all of the infidels which is anyone who isn't Muslim. The war on terror is one that we MUST win and I am totally supportive of our military..." to the question "How long should U.S. troops remain in Afghanistan? Also, how many troops would you support sending to Afghanistan?" (
  • Teri Newman. 2010. Illinois Family Institute: 2010 Voter Guide. Responded "OPPOSE" to the question "REPEAL of Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) - the repeal of the only federal law that prevents homosexual "marriage" from becoming legal across the coutnry (H.R. 3567 - 2009)" (
This candidate has responded to a Political Courage Test in a previous election. As a continued effort to provide the American public with factual information on candidates running for public office, these archived responses are made available here.
Pro-life a) Do you consider yourself pro-choice or pro-life?
b) Should abortion be legal only within the first trimester of pregnancy?
Yes c) Should abortion be legal when the pregnancy resulted from incest or rape?
Yes d) Should abortion be legal when the life of the woman is endangered?
Yes e) Should federal subsidies be prohibited from being used for abortion procedures?
I vehemently oppose partial-birth abortion.

1) SpendingIndicate what federal funding levels (#1-6) you support for the following general categories. Select one number per category- you can use a number more than once.2) TaxesIndicate what federal tax levels (#1-6) you support for the following general categories. Select one number per category- you can use a number more than once.

Maintain Status a) Agriculture
Greatly Decrease b) Arts
Maintain Status c) Defense
Maintain Status 1) Intelligence operations
Maintain Status 2) Military hardware
Maintain Status 3) National missile defense
Slightly Increase 4) Salary and benefits for active duty personnel
Slightly Increase 5) Programs to improve troop retention rates
Maintain Status 6) Research and development of new weapons
Eliminate d) Education
Slightly Decrease e) Environment
Maintain Status f) Homeland security
Greatly Decrease g) International aid
Maintain Status h) Medical research
Maintain Status i) Scientific research
Slightly Increase j) Space exploration
Eliminate k) United Nations
Greatly Decrease l) Welfare
m) Other or expanded categories
Maintain Status a) Alcohol taxes
Greatly Decrease b) Capital gains taxes
Maintain Status c) Cigarette taxes
Greatly Decrease d) Corporate taxes
Slightly Decrease e) Gasoline taxes
Maintain Status f) Income taxes (low-income families)
Slightly Decrease g) Income taxes (middle-income families)
Slightly Decrease h) Income taxes (high-income families)
i) Other or expanded categories
Yes 3) Do you support the elimination of the federal estate tax?
Yes 4) Do you support requiring the federal budget to be balanced each year?
No 5) Do you support using government funds in an effort to stimulate and improve the economy?
6) Other or expanded principles
Yes a) Do you support privatizing elements of Social Security?
Yes b) Do you support reducing government regulations on the private sector?
No c) Do you support increasing the federal minimum wage?
Yes d) Do you support the ability of workers to unionize?
Yes e) Do you support federal funding for job-training programs that retrain displaced workers?
f) Other or expanded principles
No a) Do you support increasing the amount individuals are permitted to contribute to federal campaigns?
Yes b) Should Congress regulate indirect campaign contributions from corporations and unions?
No c) Do you support removing all contribution limits on federal campaigns?
Yes d) Should candidates for federal office be encouraged to meet voluntary spending limits?
Yes e) Do you support giving the President the power of the line item veto for items concerning appropriations?
Yes f) Do you support limiting the President's ability to define how legislation is applied through the use of signing statements?
g) Other or expanded principles
Yes a) Do you support capital punishment for certain crimes?
Yes b) Do you support programs that provide prison inmates with vocational and job-related training and job-placement assistance when released?
Yes c) Do you support programs that provide prison inmates with substance abuse treatment?
No d) Do you support reduced prison sentences for non-violent offenders?
Yes e) Do you support mandatory prison sentences for selling illegal drugs?
f) Other or expanded principles
No a) Do you support federal education standards and testing requirements for K-12 students?
No b) Do you support federal funding for universal pre-K programs?
No c) Do you support federal funding for charter schools?
No d) Do you support federal funding for K-12 school vouchers?
Yes e) Do you support the federal government providing college students with financial aid?
I do not support federal involvement in primary or secondary education at ALL. States need to be in charge of education for their students, not Washington. The involvement of the federal government in education has been an unmitigated disaster. The government backed student loans for college are needed but the states should be taking care of the K-12 education.
No a) Do you support enacting environmental regulations aimed at reducing the effects of climate change?
No b) Do you support international emissions targets aimed at reducing the effects of climate change?
No c) Do you support allowing energy producers to trade carbon credits under a "cap and trade" system?
Yes d) Do you support strengthening fuel efficiency standards on all gasoline and diesel-powered engines, including cars, trucks, and sport utility vehicles?
Yes e) Do you support domestic oil exploration in federally-protected areas?
No f) Do you support federal funding for the development of alternative energy?
Yes g) Do you support the development of nuclear reactors?
Global warming is a hoax aimed at passing cap and trade for wealth redistribution and global warming has been proven to be false time and again.
No a) Do you support restrictions on the purchase and possession of guns?
Yes b) Do you believe that the Second Amendment guarantees the right of individual citizens to own guns?
Yes c) Do you support allowing individuals to carry concealed guns?
No d) Do you support a ban on assault rifles?
I support the Second Amendment as it is written.
No a) Do you support a publicly-administered health insurance option?
Yes b) Do you support expanding access to health care through commercial health insurance reform?
Yes c) Should the federal government expand eligibility for tax-free medical savings accounts?
Yes d) Do you support monetary limits on damages that can be collected in malpractice lawsuits?
Yes e) Do you support relaxing regulations on the importation of prescription drugs?
$5 out of every $6 of health-care spending is paid for by someone other than the person receiving care: insurance companies, employers or the government. Individuals are insulated from the reality of what their decisions cost. This breeds over-utilization of low-value health care and runaway spending. These policy changes will go a long way to achieving these objectives: Eliminate the tax code's bias that favors health insurance over out-of-pocket spending. Remove state-government barriers to purchasing and providing health services. Reform medical malpractice laws. Obama-care isn't the answer and will bankrupt the USA. Repeal it immediately!
No a) Do you support a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants?
Yes b) Do you support decreasing the number of legal immigrants allowed into the country?
Yes c) Do you support establishing English as the official national language?
Yes d) Do you support the enforcement of federal immigration laws by state and local police?
We need to kick out all these illegals NOW. We cannot support and educate them and their anchor babies. I have nothing against legal immigrants but the illegal MUST BE DEPORTED. Look at California--they are broke. Chicago is a sanctuary city and Illinois is broke. At some point we need to secure our borders and take care of our own people. Unemployment of U.S. Citizens in the minority communities is almost 30% with no improvement in sight. Illegals are working in the community and taking jobs from U.S. Citizens. Kick them all out and seal the borders.
Yes a) Do you support United States military action in Afghanistan?
No b) Do you support increasing military assistance for Afghanistan?
No c) Do you support increasing economic development assistance for Afghanistan?
Yes d) Should the United States continue to strike suspected terrorist targets in Pakistan?
Yes e) Do you support granting aid to countries when it is in the security interests of the United States?
No f) Should the United States support the creation of a Palestinian state?
Yes g) Do you support increasing sanctions on Iran if it continues to defy United Nations mandates?
Yes h) Do you support the withdrawal of United States troops from Iraq?
Yes i) Do you support the United States' involvement in free trade agreements?
We need to take care of Americans. Free trade agreements that are ignored by trading partners and honored by the USA puts us at a tremendous disadvantage while they profit from our compliance.
Yes a) Should marriage only be between one man and one woman?
Yes b) Do you support allowing openly-gay men and women to serve in the United States military?
No c) Do you support federal funding for embryonic stem cell research?
Yes d) Should the federal government end affirmative action programs?
e) Other or expanded principles
Repeal Obama care is my number one priority, followed by kicking out the illegal aliens and lowering taxes via the Fair Tax.

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